Specializing in Extruded Parking Lot curbing, A.C. Concrete has been in the concrete industry since 1984. We are THE source for quality and cost-effective Extruded Concrete Parking Lot Curbs and Concrete Highway Medians. AC-Concrete
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During our 37 years ...
Concrete Curbing Services we’ve provided includes:
Commercial extruded concrete parking lot definition curbs
A.C. Concrete specializes in commercial extruded concrete curbs. The concrete curb defines the boundaries of parking areas, entrances, exits, and driveways. A parking lot with concrete curbs is cleaner and neater in appearance, and curbing features can also help keep landscaping tidy and clearly mark usable parking areas. By adding concrete curbs you will:
A.C. Concrete specializes in commercial extruded concrete curbs. The concrete curb defines the boundaries of parking areas, entrances, exits, and driveways. A parking lot with concrete curbs is cleaner and neater in appearance, and curbing features can also help keep landscaping tidy and clearly mark usable parking areas. By adding concrete curbs you will:
- Increase the ability for proper compaction of both the foundation and the surface layer of asphalt.
- Provide better drainage for the parking area or driveway.
- Lessen possible damage to edges by vehicles.
- Dramatically extend the life of your asphalt parking area or driveway.

Concrete Highway Medians and Curbs
A.C. Concrete offers complete services for highway medians and curbing. Our work is considered to be top of the industry and we are in demand for our high-quality, professional, and reliable extruded concrete curbing and median services. We work to our contractors specifications, efficiently and cost-effectively.
Contact us today for more information! Repairs to existing Concrete Curbs
We can provide repairwork to any existing curbing, commercial and residential.
Contact us for an estimate!
A.C. Concrete offers complete services for highway medians and curbing. Our work is considered to be top of the industry and we are in demand for our high-quality, professional, and reliable extruded concrete curbing and median services. We work to our contractors specifications, efficiently and cost-effectively.
Contact us today for more information! Repairs to existing Concrete Curbs
We can provide repairwork to any existing curbing, commercial and residential.
Contact us for an estimate!

Residential extruded concrete driveway curbs
Concrete curbing protects and helps define the boundaries of driveways and parking areas on residential properties. It also helps keep landscaping neat and tidy, adding value and “curb appeal” to your home. By adding concrete curbs you will:
Concrete curbing protects and helps define the boundaries of driveways and parking areas on residential properties. It also helps keep landscaping neat and tidy, adding value and “curb appeal” to your home. By adding concrete curbs you will:
- Provide better drainage for the parking area or driveway.
- Lessen possible vehicle damage to landscaping or property features.
- Dramatically extend the life of your asphalt parking area or driveway.
- Increase the curb appeal of your home.
Testimonials from Clients
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Curbs Appeal
Don’t let those cracked curbs and unfinished walkways cramp your style.
Work from our curbs

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